The Scottish Government has launched a consultation over plans to overhaul legislation governing the private rental sector.
According to Housing Minister Margaret Burgess, the proposed reforms will remove the fear of eviction and help tenants to assert their rights.
The current “no-fault” repossession clause that allows landlords to reclaim their property simply because a fixed rental term has ended will be scrapped.
However, landlords will be given eleven modernised grounds to use if they wish to regain possession of their property, including a new ground if they wish to sell.
To protect tenants against rent hikes, tenants will be able to take unjustified rent rises to arbitration.
Specific measures may also be introduced to combat excessive increases in hot-spot areas such as Aberdeen and the Lothians.
This builds on an initial consultation last year, which received over 2,500 responses. Final proposals will be included in a Bill to be laid before Parliament this autumn.
“These changes to existing tenancy laws are designed to improve security for tenants and provide safeguards for landlords, investors and lenders,” explained Margaret Burgess.
“By creating a new and simplified system we will have better property management, while tenants and landlords will be provided with more clarity and a better understanding of what the tenancy agreement means for them,” she added.
The consultation will run until 10th May 2015.
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